Speaking Testimonials

“What a great time the Lord gave us through Briana Nei as our ladies’ conference speaker on Nov. 3, 2018! As a mother of three, Briana engaged well with women at our conference, a very relatable speaker for all our women–the young moms, single women, grandmothers, widows, and single moms. Women who’ve attended most of our conferences over the past 8 years were overwhelmingly enthusiastic about this speaker being the best we’ve ever had. Briana presented three sessions, taken from Ephesians, followed by small group sharing around questions she’d prepared so that women were interacting with her teaching throughout the day. At the end of the day, she led in a time of prayer response when a number of the ladies came up for specific, personal prayer by Briana and her team and experienced God’s fresh work in their lives. Our ladies were definitely taught, encouraged, and challenged in their understanding of their identity in Christ. We look forward to using her book on Ephesians in our ladies Bible studies in the future and would definitely invite her to speak at our conference again.”

DuAnne Thrush, Women’s Ministry Council, Crossroads Brethren in Christ Church, State Line, PA

Equipping the Saints Testimonials


Pastor Michael Dean of Small Voice Ministries has over 45 years of experience with pastoral counseling. Here are some testimonials – 

“I attended a Revealed Ministries Retreat in the spring. On Saturday, Pastor Mike Dean offered one-on-one counseling sessions for interested participants. At the beginning of my time with Pastor Mike, I explained a situation that had happened with a friend earlier in the week. Pastor Mike listened and then asked, “Is this a spiritual relationship or a friend?” I didn’t understand what he was asking. He explained, if the relationship was spiritual then the only way to resolve the conflict was to apply a spiritual solution. My friend needed to admit what she did was wrong, apologize, and ask for forgiveness. His counsel changed the way I think about conflict resolution, forgiveness, and relationships. I have since used it in my own counseling practice.” 

Betty Ringeisen

Pastoral Counselor


“When I met Pastor Mike Dean for counseling, I was bound by spiritual strongholds. These strongholds resulted from spiritual and emotional abuse throughout my life. Pastor Mike showed me how the teachings of Christ and the authority of the Holy Spirit could break the strongholds in my life to bring me spiritual growth and freedom. He showed me how to walk in that victory and freedom so I could become a productive member of the Body of Christ. I am forever grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to counsel with Pastor Mike Dean.” anonymous counselee 

“My husband and I at one point, and my teenage son at another time have been to Pastor Mike for counseling.  My son had anger/self hate/rebellion type issues that a “regular” Christian counselor had not been able to help with. My husband and I were not getting along and really didn’t want to be married any longer because of years of hurt and built up anger.  Pastor Mike patiently showed all of us the spiritual roots of the issues and how to pray through them as well as how to allow God to heal us individually and as a family. “ anonymous counselee 

“Over the past few years, my life has completely turned around.  Through childhood, I was raised in the church.  I knew all the Sunday school answers, but I lacked a genuine relationship with Christ.  Like many college students my age, I crashed and burned in a colossal way.  But Christ spoke through Mike into my life and Mike has continued to minister to me, educate me, and helped me spiritually mature.  I’m now hosting a young adults bible study for the church that Mike trusts me to run.  I would not be where I am today without first Christ’s forgiveness, and second Mike’s direction.” anonymous counselee 

Briana Nei of Revealed Ministries teaches women to find freedom through knowing Jesus Christ. She has discipled and trained women’s ministry leaders across the United States. See testimonials below. 

“I met Briana after my speech at the 2019 March for Life Rose Dinner in Washington DC. She came up to me afterwards and asked if I would come and speak at a women’s conference she had organized. I agreed and was extremely blessed by the teaching at the conference. I admitted to her that following her at the conference was more daunting than following Vice President Pence at the Rose Dinner because her speech reflected such a deep knowledge of scripture and the Holy Spirit. I wanted what she had and purchased Revealed in Ephesians. I have read through the Bible numerous times and have done many Bible studies, but I have never been guided to study the Bible at this depth. Briana teaches readers to continually pray for the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and reveal the meaning of the scripture to them. She bids them to saturate themselves with the scripture they are studying, to “allow it to go down deep” into their being. She gives readers the practical tools they need to dig deeply into the scriptures and walks them through using those tools until it begins to be second nature. In going through the Bible study, I began to know who I was in Christ more fully and to have confidence in my ability to know what the Holy Spirit was saying. As I worked through the Bible study, God helped me conquer the unreasonable fear that would overwhelm and paralyze me when I would be called to testify before Congress or state legislatures. Briana keeps a good balance of forcing one to do the work, but then modeling how to do it and apply what one learns, for those of us who need a little more help. I feel this work is anointed by God and can help open the scriptures to those who have found them confusing and have only been able to skim the surface. This book is rich and deep and cannot be done quickly or without prayer. If you want to give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to speak to your heart and to walk more closely with God, I challenge you to dig in. It is worth the time and effort it takes. Thank you, Briana, for following the leading of the Holy Spirit and writing this book.” – Dr. Kathi Altman (former abortion doctor and pro-life activist seen on Focus on the Family and Live Action from her forward for Briana’s book relaunch.)